Stacy Wallace-Cunningham

Who is she…
Stacy Wallace-Cunningham is the MS Athletics and Activities Coordinator and current 8th Grade Physical Education Teacher at Chadwick International. Stacy has spent 6 years as the Athletics Director and Head of Physical Education in Uganda where she taught both primary and secondary. Stacy has experience with many different curriculums and enjoys taking aspects of all to ensure a varied program of instruction.
The MYP PE Project … assessing all criterions in 1 unit.
Stacy will present a current program of study in 8th grade . The project runs for 6 weeks and focuses on one statement of inquiry while assessing all 4 MYP criteria. During this presentation, Stacy will look at the benefits of project-based work within PE.
Approaches to Learning (applicable to Attitudes in learning)
Stacy will facilitate a practical workshop where teachers can use PYP or MYP (attitudes or approaches to learning) as a basis for activity design. Stacy will give some examples of current practices within her class. Participants will then be given time to create and share their own practice in creating links between physical activity and ATL’s.
[email protected]
Stacy Wallace-Cunningham is the MS Athletics and Activities Coordinator and current 8th Grade Physical Education Teacher at Chadwick International. Stacy has spent 6 years as the Athletics Director and Head of Physical Education in Uganda where she taught both primary and secondary. Stacy has experience with many different curriculums and enjoys taking aspects of all to ensure a varied program of instruction.
The MYP PE Project … assessing all criterions in 1 unit.
Stacy will present a current program of study in 8th grade . The project runs for 6 weeks and focuses on one statement of inquiry while assessing all 4 MYP criteria. During this presentation, Stacy will look at the benefits of project-based work within PE.
Approaches to Learning (applicable to Attitudes in learning)
Stacy will facilitate a practical workshop where teachers can use PYP or MYP (attitudes or approaches to learning) as a basis for activity design. Stacy will give some examples of current practices within her class. Participants will then be given time to create and share their own practice in creating links between physical activity and ATL’s.
[email protected]